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Vastu Tips

Vastu for bedroom


Years of Experience

Vastu Tips for Bedroom

Bedroom is a place, where we relax, sleep and rejuvenate ourselves. Unless bedroom has a pleasant and positive environment, you will not be able to relax and enjoy sound sleep. Moreover, if there are barriers in the smooth flow of cosmic energy in your bedroom, it will impact the peace and harmony of your home.

As per Vastu Ananda Principles, the obstacles faced by individuals and families is due to the imbalance of cosmic energy within and around them. You can overcome your problems by balancing the cosmic energy bringing a positive transformation in your life.

Vastu Tips for Bedroom is applicable to you

Our tips will enable you to get good rest, sound sleep and have a good time with your family. Adopt Vastu Ananda in your life and experience positivity in 9 to 180 days. Implement once, benefit for lifetime.

Vastu shastra for Bedroom
  • Maintain Cleanliness: Keep your bedroom clean and tidy, and remove clutter from all corners of your bedroom. This will be the first step to attracting positivity and harmony in your bedroom.
  • Remove Unnecessary Furniture: Keeping too many furniture and other objects items can block the smooth flow of cosmic energy across the bedroom. Obstruction or blockage in the flow of cosmic energy, creates energetic imbalances spreading negative vibes.
  • Use Positive Pictures: Avoid use of negative paintings or pictures, which convey a negative or sad or pessimistic message like. Go for optimistic imagery for decorating your bedroom that keeps you in high spirits and helps to develop a positive outlook.
  • Ward Off Negativity: If you have attached washroom, keep common salt or a plant in side to eliminate negativity. Moreover, make sure to keep the door of the washroom closed, as it will prevent the negative vibes from entering the bedroom.